Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Piriapolis, Uruguay: a sun-filled, Latin world

Faded pick up trucks cruise around town blasting reggaeton, salsa, and even some good Bat Mitzvah music, with tan individuals piled into the back. No one here is light. Even the children are a shade of golden molasses--running barefoot around the small beach town to get their gelato. Everyday we purchase two white chaises from 15 year old Uruguayan nuggets, who have been browned to perfection by their daily intake of ultraviolet rays. They have become a staple and our greatest source of entertainment. They make us giggle like school girls, which is sick, because we're almost 10 years their seniors.

It stays light forever; the sun is completely set at 9 pm.

And here is the best part: as the sun begins its slow descent at 6:30 pm, the entire population crowding the bright, early evening beach begin to applaud the sun for all its glory. Some even bid farewell to the benevolent orb with a standing ovation.

This is the truest and purest form of Tan Culture.

 Orishas - Naci Orishas .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

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